Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I feel like I'm always sick. It's so annoying! I had a cold 2 weeks ago and I got rid of that and now this week I have a splitting headache and I feel neaseas (sp?) and my glands are swolen and I'm soooooooooooo tired. I just want to be asleep all the time, no matter how much sleep I've had the night before. I also just got back from a dentist appointment where he cleaned my teeth beyond an inch of their lives so now they're sore and tomorrow I have to go to the gyno. I've been eating so healthy this past month so I should be feeling a million dollars (I've lost 3.2kg from all the healthy eating which is great!) Anyway, that's enough of a whinge for today.
On a happier note; we booked a garden/house for our wedding ceremony (which is 1 year from tomorrow!!!). It's gorgeous! I can't wait! I'll have to take photo's on the weekend and put them on here. Well I'd better pack up and go home so I can have a nap before Terry comes home! Oh and here is a photo of my friend's beautiful baby boy Zakyah!


Lyn said...

Hi Kristin, what a cute baby!! Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, hope you get good results tomorrow, let me know how it goes, love you so much, Nanna xoxo

Lyn said...

Me again, it's exactly one year to your wedding!! I'm sure the time will fly and we'll all be over there celebrating with you, love you sooooo much, Nanna xoxoxox

Rachel Esther said...

Hi! just checking out your blog! You're going to get married on my birthday! and international women's day! that's awesome! I hope your appointment went well :) argh!

Kristin said...

Thanks Nan and Rach! I know the time will fly! It's already been a year and 7 months since we got engaged and that has absoultely flown! I can't wait! =) It'll be so good to have everyone here together!