Monday, February 26, 2007


We had the nicest, most relaxing weekend ever! It was so nice to spend some quality time together, just the two of us. I don't think we've had a weekend to ourselves since before Christmas!!

We spent this weekend doing things we've been talking about for ages but just hadn't been able to because there's always someone at our place, or something else on. On Saturday we went to the museum and saw the Da Vinci Machines exhibit that I've been wanting to see so badly ever since it first opened. It wasn't at all what I expected, but still really interesting. Then we walked over the the state library to see the National Treasures exhibit. There was a lot of really interesting things there too. I think my favourite was the original book of Mary Poppins (which was written by an Australian lady! Didn't know that!). There was also one of Don Bradman's blazers and cricket bats there, lots of letters written by important people, Ned Kelly's helmet thing as well as so many other things I can't remember! We were going to have a look at the Art Gallery after that because we haven't been there since last year but we ran out of time. On Saturday night we watched Kenny which was hilarious! He has some of the best sayings I've ever heard! Loved it!

Sunday I cleaned the house and took the Christmas tree down (yes, I'm hopeless!!) then we went shopping so I could buy a new dress for a friend's 21st this weekend. Found one for $19.95. What a bargain!! After that we just pottered around the house for the afternoon! I wish we had more weekends like that! I miss them!

Well that's my life up to date so far! Better get back to work...


Lyn said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend, you got to see some really interesting thigs!! Chris Wenzlau gave me the Kenny dvd for my birthday, Pardy & I finally got to watch it a couple of weeks ago, we both thought it was great and as you said great sayings!! Here's to more great relaxing weekends, love you, Nanna xo

Jes said...

HAHA - I love Kenny. I thought I would hate it! Actually I thought that it was a documentary at first - how dumb am I !? I hope you're doing well - It's good to have week ends like that!