Friday, March 9, 2007

Wish I was outside

I love Fridays! It's the last day of the week and I work by myself so I can take it easy and work at my own pace.

It's a beautiful day outside. I hope it's still nice when I'm finished so I can sit out in my backyard with a book! Might have to go buy a new one though because I've read all the ones I have.

Tomorrow we're going to a BBQ at our friends' place because they're moving back to Vic next weekend. :( I can't believe how fast it's all happened. We'll miss them so much!

Less than one year til we get married. How exciting!!!


Lyn said...

Hi Kristin, hope you're feeling better now. Have a lovely weekend, I think we are going to have a lazy one, it's the long weekend over here so that will be nice, love you heaps, Nanna xoxox