Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Originally uploaded by ♥Krist♥
This is my friend's baby Zakyah. I can't believe how fast he's growing! He's 20 months now!


Originally uploaded by ♥Krist♥
I met Thelma on a Sunday afternoon going for a stroll along the beach. She'd just been to Darwin for her neice's 50th where it had been in the mid 30's so she was really feeling the cold back home.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Originally uploaded by ♥Krist♥
This is one of the first photo's I took for my course. I love it but wish Terry had've had a shave first! =)
It needs a bit of retouching work done on Monday as there were dust spots on the negative.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

ice cream love

ice cream love
Originally uploaded by ♥Krist♥
This picture is #2 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at www.100Strangers.com

This gorgeous little old couple were sitting down at the Bay eating ice cream and I couldn't resist getting a photo of them! I think the lady was a bit hard of hearing as she didn't hear me ask to take a photo and her husband had to explain it to her.


Originally uploaded by ♥Krist♥
This picture is #1 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at www.100Strangers.com

I saw this lady sitting down at the Bay knitting and thought it was quite interesting but being the shy person I am, I couldn't work up the courage to ask if I could take her photo. I went off and took photo's of other things and told myself that if she was still ther when I got back, I had to ask her. And there she was! I didn't get her name but she told me she was knitting a sock and had dropped a stitch so was going backwards to correct it. She told me her sister lives in Tasmania and keeps sending her wool so she just keeps knitting socks! =)