Thursday, March 29, 2007

Delayed appreciation for a random act of kindess!

My Nanna is the greatest!!! She knows exactly what to do to make me feel better and exactly when to do it!

I was having a particularly down time a few weeks ago and then there was a knock on my door. It was the mail man with a parcel. I thought ‘wow that’s weird, it’s not even nearly my birthday’. Then I saw who it was from and a massive smile crossed my face straight away. I knew it’d be a thoughtful, caring gift to remind me that I am special and loved.

My gorgeous new angel teddy now sits on the mantle piece in my room with my most treasured childhood toy, Ruby bear. Thank you Nanna! I love you!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fringe Festival

The Fringe Festival is on here at the moment and we’ve always wanted to go and check it out but have never gotten around to it. This year we decided to actually do it instead of just talk about it!

Last Wednesday a friend and I met up in town for an iced chocolate. After that we thought we’d go down to the ‘Garden of Unearthly Delights’ and see what was happening there. On the way we got given 2 free tickets to a comedy show that night which was awesome! We wandered down to the garden and had a look at the stalls and people on the trapeze swings. – You could have a go for $15 but I was way to scared!! We then went and saw a cute mini puppet show in a tiny, hot tent then walked over to the Rhino Room to the comedy show, ‘Splitting the Bill’. It was so funny! I pretty much didn’t stop laughing the whole way though!!

Then on Saturday night Terry and I went in again and had a look at the garden again and also the ‘International Buskers Festival’. It was great but we mainly only saw the same people as last year (it was the only fringe thing we did last year). After that we had tea on Hindley Street then went to see a cabaret show called ‘Freakaphrenic’. It was soooo funny!!! We loved it and would love to go and see it again!

On Sunday we went back in and looked at the Festival centre markets and then the Hindley Street markets. We had another look at the garden and saw some more buskers then tried to find a cafĂ© that was hosting some visual art exhibitions we really wanted to see but we couldn’t find it anywhere! (we found the address in our map book afterwards so we’ll go back during the week or on the weekend to see them).

Well that’s it for our Fringe experience so far but hopefully there’ll be more to come before it ends! I love the Fringe!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Adam Hyland

We have a chiropractor who moved here from South Africa two years ago to work with us. He is 32 and he has a wife Noesja and two children Noah and Jonah.

In January he was diagnosed with cancer. He passed away at 11.30 this morning.

It is comforting to know that he is no longer suffering and in pain but I really feel for the young family he has left behind. Please pray for Noesja and her boys.

Wedding & Work

Well this wedding feels like it’s finally starting to come together. After doing bits and pieces every now and then, the planning is getting more constant and more exciting!

So far we’ve booked the ceremony venue, the celebrant, the reception venue and the photographer. I’ve asked a friend to be the videographer, I have my dress, I’ve started buying things so I can start making the table decorations and the bombonniere, I’ve bought beads, wire and tools so I can start making our jewellery and I’m in the process of booking the cars and make up artist at the moment.

I’m hoping to get everything done by Christmas because the end and start of the year are always crazy and seeing as though I’m the biggest stress head ever I think it’ll be for the best if I’m as organised as I can be!

Things are going really well on the work front at the moment too. I’ve just been asked if I’d like to be the marketing person for ‘Kiro for Kids’ which I’m so excited about!!

My boss, Dr Neil Davies, travels overseas to Thailand twice a year to treat orphans at the ‘Children of the Golden Triangle’ and the ‘New Life Foundation’. ‘Kiro for Kids’ was set up to raise funds to pay for these trips to Thailand and also to sponsor children.

We are currently sponsoring 3 children; Akha Pohchar, Weerasat Merlae and Mata Myer, but would like to be able to help more hence me starting to market the project to raise awareness.

Neil and his colleagues were able to treat around 1200 children last year which was great! Hopefully this year we’ll be able to raise more money to sponsor more children and to fund other doctors to go over with Neil to help out. I’m so happy to be part of this! It’s going to be a great challenge and so rewarding to know we’ve been able to help more children.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Wish I was outside

I love Fridays! It's the last day of the week and I work by myself so I can take it easy and work at my own pace.

It's a beautiful day outside. I hope it's still nice when I'm finished so I can sit out in my backyard with a book! Might have to go buy a new one though because I've read all the ones I have.

Tomorrow we're going to a BBQ at our friends' place because they're moving back to Vic next weekend. :( I can't believe how fast it's all happened. We'll miss them so much!

Less than one year til we get married. How exciting!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I feel like I'm always sick. It's so annoying! I had a cold 2 weeks ago and I got rid of that and now this week I have a splitting headache and I feel neaseas (sp?) and my glands are swolen and I'm soooooooooooo tired. I just want to be asleep all the time, no matter how much sleep I've had the night before. I also just got back from a dentist appointment where he cleaned my teeth beyond an inch of their lives so now they're sore and tomorrow I have to go to the gyno. I've been eating so healthy this past month so I should be feeling a million dollars (I've lost 3.2kg from all the healthy eating which is great!) Anyway, that's enough of a whinge for today.
On a happier note; we booked a garden/house for our wedding ceremony (which is 1 year from tomorrow!!!). It's gorgeous! I can't wait! I'll have to take photo's on the weekend and put them on here. Well I'd better pack up and go home so I can have a nap before Terry comes home! Oh and here is a photo of my friend's beautiful baby boy Zakyah!