Tuesday, September 14, 2010

35: And now for something completely different

Today I have a movie for you from my new not so secret admirer! When he's here, you can't keep him away from my office for all of the toys in the world! haha

Also, today I went to get my photos printed for my assessment and my usb drive has died. So then I nearly died of a panic attack. Luckily, I'd backed it all up on the computer last night so all was ok... for now!

Monday, September 13, 2010

34: Tell me why I don't like Mondays?

More homework and almost tantrums and tears. I'll be happy when this is over!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

33: Sunday Sunday

I cheated a little today. This photo is from the gig last night but it was after midnight so it still counts kinda!

Today Auntie Karrot & Uncle Rocket came to visit. Was great to catch up with them! After they left I knuckeled down into some homework and then got really frustrated and wanted to cry. Then Terry cooked me tea. Then I went to bed. The end. :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

32: Going solo

Had lunch with Terry today. He's got school this weekend so I had to drive to the other side of the world to see him! Tonight Josh & I were meant to go to a gig together but he had to get up at 5am Sunday to go to Hopetoun. Sorry, didn't have to, just wanted to! So I ended up going solo. :) I met up with a couple of friends at the start when the band started I ditched them to go sneak up to the front so I could actually see - one of the benefits of going to a gig alone is being able to sneak in front of people and them not get angry because they can see over my head anyway! haha. Was an awesome night and I'd definitely do it by myself again if I had to.

Friday, September 10, 2010

We interupt this broadcast...

for a little extra post!

It's come to my attention that the photo's I've been taking are terrible! I've basically been taking bad photos of anything just to say I've taken a photo.. So from now on I'm going to make more of an effort. Even if it's just a photo of something boring, I'll do my best to make it look good! As soon as the internet is fixed at home I might even start using Audrey instead of my phone, then I'll take photos to be proud of again!

31: Hooray!

Today was the end (sort of) of a loooooooooong 3 months of preparing for the Hong Kong symposium. Today was the day I did my neck and back and sent off 70kg worth of manuals to Honkers. Woooohooooooo! Unforunately, people are most likely going to keep registering up until the seminar so I'll still have more manuals to prepare but at least I know the bulk of them are done and have arrived safe and sound at their destination. Oh and I bought this super cute tiny little ramones t-shirt for a new baby I haven't had the pleasure of metting yet! ;) Better remember to send it!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

30: Somewhere over the rainbow...

While I'm not a fan of the cold, dreary, rainy weather we've been having, I must say I do love all of the rainbows I've been seeing! I don't know what it is about them but the always put a smile on my face and make my heart feel happy. Even on a cold, dreary, rainy day.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

29: Zzzzzzzz

I've been sooooooooo tired lately. I even came home from school early today because I was nearly falling asleep at my computer. Here's my jammies in the dark 5 seconds before I fell asleep. Zzzzzzzz

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

28: New book

I've finished Red Lotus now. It was interesting. Very, very sad in parts but with a happy ending of course! I got some new books for my birthday from the Keele's so next on my list to read is Cloudstreet by Tim Winton. Can't wait!

Monday, September 6, 2010

27: Lucky girl

Tonight Josh came home with a billion DVD's that his friend had given him. He didn't want them anymore! We assumed they'd all be crappy ones that no one wants to see but no, most of them were awesome! We both ended up with a huge stack each and there's another stack even bigger of left over ones that Josh will give away to other friends. The generousity of people blows me away sometimes! I can't wait to have a massive movie marathon this weekend while the boys are away/at school/work. :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

26: Tim Burton

This morning we slept in then met up with Billows, Sim & Rob for brunch. We were late - as always! And our food took sooooo long to come out! Luckily we were in good company so we didn't mind, although it was pretty cold at our seats outside. After brunch Kell & I went into the city to see the Tim Burton exhibition at Fed Square. First we saw the centre for the moving image and did some fun things like make a flip book and film our own matrix fight scene. Funny stuff! Then off to the Tim part. Loved it! It was soo good! Lots of drawings, paintings, sculptures and costumes. There were dolls from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory there (the ones that get burnt at the start of the factory tour) and costumes from edward scissorhands and alice in wonderland. Very cool! I bought the exhibition book and a pack of cards and I'm going to ask Terry very nicely if he would please buy me The Art of Tim Burton book for christmas because it looks amazing! Then it was time to head to the airport and come home. The flight was perfect this time. Only problem was when I got back I couldn't find my car in long term parking! So I walked around for about half an hour in the rain until I found it. Phew! Silly me!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

25: Roller derby

I hung out with Kell this morning while Sim was at work then spent the rest of the day with her just talking and laughing again like old times. Was sooo good to spend some quality time alone with her. I went to the roller derby tonight will Kellie, Crids & Jay. It was so good! I've never been before but I loved it. Definitely a sport I could get into - watching, not playing! I'm too much of a princess to ever play. The girls are so tough! They get pushed over and get straight back up again without even batting an eyelid. I'd be rolling around on the ground crying! haha Afterwards we went out for coffee and cake - or pineapple juice and a bikky for me! Was a great day & night. Not a very good photo but you get the idea!

Friday, September 3, 2010

24: Again!

This time I don't even have a dodgy backup photo! :( Hopefully this is my only day with no photo.
The weather was gross today. Abosolutely poured down and was sooooo windy! I flew to Melbourne tonight and it was the worst flight I've ever had. There was only 1 time that I was actually scared for my life (just turbulance) but the seat belt sign stayed on the whole trip and they didn't even bring the food and drink out because it was too dangerous. Fun times! I stayed at Sim's place tonight and we sat up late eating m&m's and talking about the good old days. I miss her. :(

Thursday, September 2, 2010

23: Forgot to take a proper photo day!

Oops! Another day when I forgot to take a proper photo... I took this one tonight at Bunnings. We went there so Terry could get a sander. I find bunnings sooooo boring so I just make my own fun there. I also take photos of me pretending to bop him on the head with a mallet to send to friends. That's love! :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

22: Another Bindi day!

I was meant to go to school today but I wasn't feeling well and was sooo tired. So I snuggled on the couch with my kitty instead. :)