Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What a weekend!

We went to the drive in on Saturday night and on the way home decided to stop in at a club to say happy birthday to one of our friends. I decided I needed to bust a move on the dance floor... and bust a move I did!! I didn't even get to strike one pose before I found myself flat on the floor! The dancefloor was that slippery that as soon as my thongs touched it I fell over and landed sideways on my elbow! So I just lay there for what seemed like half an hour until my friends picked me up (not even knowing it was me) and then I ran off and cried in the corner for a while. Fast forward to Sunday. We went to the beach and a wave hit me in the back and winded me so bad I thought I was going to throw up! Then as we were leaving, I stomped on a bee!! It was still connected and buzzing around so the stinger was moving around inside my foot almost killing me. I managed to get the bee off but snapped the stinger in the process so half of it was still in my foot so we went home and dug that out. Then last night my friend (who broke her ankle mucking around in our hallway on a skinboard last weekend!!) came over and dropped her crutches on my head!!!

I had xrays done on my elbow yesterday which came back all ok thank goodness! It's still really sore though and the swelling hasn't gone down so I think I'll go back to the doctor tomorrow or Thursday if it still hasn't improved. My foot is still swolen and soooooo itchy it's driving me crazy!

I'm happy to say though, that I've been incident free for the past 41 hours! Hopefully this weekend will be a little less eventful!


Jes said...

Great! You have a blog too! Very nice. it sounds like you've been in the wars lately. I hope you're having a really nice day. Take care of yourself!