Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Pain and hurting

It really annoys me how easily I get hurt. I take offence to the smallest most insignificant things. I wish I didn't care what people thought about me. I wish I wasn't so insecure and I wish I didn't need to be reminded of who I am so often. On another note; I'm sick of this pain. I hope it gets fixed soon because I'm sick of living on panadol.


Lyn said...

Dear Kristin, you are such a sweety, I know what it's like to be how you describe but you really are a precious girl and loved soooo much, always remember that, love you, Nanna xoxoxo

Kazz said...

You know, Nanna's right. You are loved by lots and lots of people. Keep your chin up. Rob says, as long as you're happy with yourself, it doesn't matter what other people think.