Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm back!!

We had a great time away but as always, it went too fast! We were only there for 5 days & it just wasn't long enough. Here are a few highlights in no particular order...

Scooby the new puppy... soooo cute & mischievious!

Pinky - I try to steal her every time I go there! hehe

The family - of course!

The gorgeous sunsets

The crabs weren't really a highlight - they scared the crap out of me!

Terry's birthday cake decorated by his little brother with pretty much everything he could find in the house!

The stunning beach

And the best part - getting to spend a WHOLE WEEK with my amazing hubby. =)

Now, back to the real world!


Rhiannon said...

Wow! Those sunset pics are awesome!! The colours are amazing!!

Love the cake. It's so cute. Hehe!

Kristin said...

Thanks Rhi. Was a pretty amazing site!

Lyn said...

Wow, that was some cake!! Photos all excellent, as usual xoxoxoxxo