Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Originally uploaded by ♥Krist♥
This picture is #1 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at

I saw this lady sitting down at the Bay knitting and thought it was quite interesting but being the shy person I am, I couldn't work up the courage to ask if I could take her photo. I went off and took photo's of other things and told myself that if she was still ther when I got back, I had to ask her. And there she was! I didn't get her name but she told me she was knitting a sock and had dropped a stitch so was going backwards to correct it. She told me her sister lives in Tasmania and keeps sending her wool so she just keeps knitting socks! =)


Lyn said...

Hi Kristin, great to see you blogging again (not that I have been!) I'm loving your photos, excellent work, keep it up. Maybe you can do some baby shots later!! Only 5 weeks from tomorrow!!!!
Love you lots, Nanna xoxoxoox