Friday, April 27, 2007


Here are all the earrings I've made. I LOVE the first pair and the last pair, just not sure about the other two. I might sell them and make another set of the two I like. Plenty of time to figure that out!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

On my way to the new me!

So far I've lost 6kg!!
The first photo was taken at the Big Day Out on Feb 2nd this year and the second photo was taken today, April 24th. This is the first time I've put photo's of me back then next to me now and it's a huge shock! I knew I'd lost weight but I couldn't see it that much until now!

I'm not sure how much more I want to lose. I'll just keep going until I'm happy. It's really just my belly I need to work on now and I need to tone up now. Everything is all floppy now since losing weight! haha.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Thank goodness it's Friday! I haven't been sleeping well this week and I have no idea why but it's made me soooooo tired! My tummy has been really sore again for the last couple of days too. I thought it was all better! =( I'm really looking forward to a sleep in tomorrow! After that I'm meeting up with a friend to do some shopping. I need some new pants because none of mine fit any more (thanks to losing 6kg! yay!!) then I think I'll go home and work on the jewellery I'm making for the wedding. It's hard to find time to do it because I want it to be a surprise for Terry but he's always there! haha. He has to work on Saturday so I'll make the most of the time I have! Then tomorrow night we might go to the movies. I really want to see 'Meet the Robinsons'. It looks hilarious! And I've still got 2 tickets I need to use that I got for Christmas from work. At this stage, I think Sunday will be a pretty quiet day because it's the only day Terry has off. Here's a picture of the earring I made last night for one of my bridesmaids.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


It's just hit me. I have endometriosis. I was told this last Monday but the words didn't really mean much until today. I was out of it for all of last week from my pain killers and then there was Easter so I guess today is the first day I've had to actually sit down and think about it. I'm feeling very emotional and confused. I don't understand much about what is going to happen to me from now on and it's so frustrating!! I have so many questions and no one to answer them, well not until the 31st of May when I go back to my surgeon. I can't believe I have to wait that long. I'm going to drive myself crazy with 'what if's' by then. All they could tell me when I was in hospital was that they found "a bit of endometriosis". I don't know where. I don't know how bad this 'bit' is. I don't know if they got rid of it while they were in there. And today I'm starting to feel the pain again... on top of the pain I'm still feeling from my operation, so I guess it's also the first time I've had to think that maybe they couldn't do anything and I have to live with this pain forever. I think up until today, I thought that everything was going to be ok. I think I'm just tired and overwhelmed by it all at the moment. I know it's not the end of the world, and I know I shouldn't whinge when there are so many people in the world who are so much worse off than I am but I just can't help but feel sorry for myself at the moment. I know it will pass, but for now I think I need a hug and a cry.